Sunday, December 22, 2019

John Howards Men Like That Book Review Essay - 1129 Words

Howard, John. Men Like That: A Southern Queer History. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. (hb). ISBN: 0-226-35471-7. John Howard in his 1999 book Men Like That: A Southern Queer History explores gay and transgendered male-male sexual desire and actions that goes beyond self- identification as being gay and includes those men that are â€Å"like† that and self -label as gay, as well as men who â€Å"like† that and engage in homosexual activity but do not consider themselves gay. Howard aims for a more accurate accounting of homosexual desire in Mississippi during the postwar years after World War II and through the mid 1980’s and does not want to â€Å"†¦simply†¦recuperate past figures previously lost to history, but also to†¦show more content†¦15). Another factor involved in allowing the spaces to be used for male-male sex is Howard’s idea of silent accommodation by the community around them. While gay men didnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t necessarily come out of any closet, neither did those around him ridicule, shame or shun him because of his desires. As Howard writes; â€Å"†¦silence not only deflected the sometimes harmful repercussions of disclosure, it created psychic space for individual contemplation and affirmationâ€Å"(p.32). The oral histories taken by Howard of Chuck Plant and Fitz Spencer illustrate his points regarding silence creating space for contemplation as Chuck is molested by an older male driver on a rainy afternoon. Chuck wonders if he should say something to someone but â€Å"†¦I finally decided not to say anything to anybody. I have no regrets about that† (p.7). Fitz is given oral sex by one of the resident priests at the church his family attends and he believes that another priest there as well as all of the boys were aware of what was happening. â€Å"I took it more seriously than the others did. They used to giggle about it† (p.9). Fitz also dec ides to say nothing. In chapters two and three titled â€Å"Sites† and â€Å"Movements† respectively, Howard makes the case that there is a â€Å"dialectical† relationship between the subject and the landscape (both social and physical) andShow MoreRelated Schizophrenic Creativity in Nasars A Beautiful Mind and Ron Howards Movie2030 Words   |  9 PagesSchizophrenic Creativity in Nasars A Beautiful Mind and Ron Howards Movie In Ron Howards (2001) A Beautiful Mind, Russell Crowe gives life to Sylvia Nasars depiction of the schizophrenic genius John Nash in her novel of the same title. Both Nasar and Howard try to depict Nashs creative genius in an effort to unlock understanding of the creative process. 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This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the P ublishers. 2  © Pearson Education Limited 2011 Contents Acknowledgements

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